A Balanced and Engaging Curriculum

EduQuest offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to challenge and inspire students.

Core subjects include:

English: KS3 and GCSE
Maths: KS3 and GCSE
Science- Biology: KS3 and GCSE
World Views and Ethics: KS3
Religious studies: GCSE
History: KS3 and GCSE
Geography: KS3 and GCSE
PSHE: KS3 and KS4

In Year 10 (non-traditional GCSE), students can explore alternative options:

City and Guilds Level 1 Certificate Agriculture
City and Guilds Level 1 Certificate Animal Care
City and Guilds Level 1 Certificate Travel & Tourism
BTEC Level 1 Sport

Our curriculum is designed to develop students' knowledge, skills, and understanding while
preparing them for future success.